Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Where Did All the Time Go!

Like sand moving through an hour glass.......
Time has slipped quietly through my fingers
Where's all t5he time gone. Babies, toddlers, adolescence, young adults,
off to college. Where has all the time went?
We spent riding trains, listening to music, reading book, sing songs, writing music, loving on one another, shoveling snow,sledding, grocery shopping, riding bikes, making cookies,and apple cider, swim suits,ballet shoes,talent shows, movie theaters, Apple orchards, drawing pictures, cutting and pasting, running, jumping, flipping, skipping, crying, laughing, praying, staying, cozy up by the fireplace. All I can say is, "I wouldn't change a thing." Each moment spent with you doing nothing but being was all worth it. My. My. My. Where has all the time gone?


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gardening with the Family (Step 1. Planning)

We all want our children to grow up to be adults that make healthy eating choices,right? Well,lets start discussing the type of veggies we would like to grow,and what jobs and duties each family member will have ( it'll be great to write a list and/or draw a plan: simple blue print.) For those of you who took our challenge and tried out a garden for the first time last year, try developing a new plan around what worked and why it worked. Even what didn't work and why it didn't work should play a part in developing a new plan. For our family, the discussion will also include how we can make our garden even better than last years garden. So, in your down time or around the dinner table ask the kids what kind of vegetable they would like to plant this year and let the planning begin!

Please feel free to send pictures, and post your comments. We would love for you to take the journey with us.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Educational Websites (check them out and give me feed back)

Hello moms and dads ! Our children can almost navigate the computer better than we can. I love to see play be educational. That's why my children were welcome to use the computer at an early age. We were in love with www.starfall.com and as they are growing up with long for something as great. Well, I had the opportunity to be introduced to a new site that has multiple age and fun educational games. You'll find it at http://us.educationcity.com. The grade levels on this site range from prekindergarten through sixth grade. There also an area for learning English. Grade level are also subdivided into categories such as: language Arts,Math,(math in Spanish), and Science. You may have to subscribe to this site,but click on the free trial, and your child teacher if they are currently subscribed to educational city because they may have a parents password available for you. I am so loving this site. Try it out at home and tell me the pro and cons for you and your little ones. I w ill also have note that starfall.com has added some math and other great stuff at:http://more2.starfall.com. I'm so excited to hear from you all about your child's future! (post comments and questions a.s.a p)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween or Not To Halloween.....That is the question!??????
My children have never own a costume or been trick or treating. I am not in love with Christians being apart of such festivities, but the month October is loaded with visual images of the holiday and all it has to offer. I find myself having a harder time enforcing this family rule with my youngest daughter who says her teacher celebrates Halloween, we made Halloween pictures today, and so many more reasons why she should be allowed to celebrate. But I have gone as far as to accommodate my children's love for sociable events and decorating by hosting Harvest parties and giving out handmade Harvest goodie bags. This year our township is throwing a Harvest fest as well as my church having a Fall Festival,but I am still torn by the thought of is this just a mask for celebrating Halloween called by a different name. Where do we go from here? Well, I'll be praying for direction on the next step with this issue with our ever changing and growning children. We love the Fall and have found ways to celebrate each season and build life long memories.